Geo409: Advanced GIS

Web Mapping at the University of Kentucky

snapshot of unemployment map

KY Unemployment Rates: 2001 – 2013

This chloropleth map shows changes in unemployment rates in the Commonwealth of Kentucky by county for years ranging between between 2001 and 2013

The data is loaded dynamically with an AJAX request, and classifications are calculated at run-time within the client. The map uses and HTML5 range slider used to sequence through the years and update the map.

snapshot of ky housing map

Kentucky Housing

This chloropleth map shows the rates of owned rented and mortgaged homes in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

The data is loaded dynamically with an AJAX request, and classifications are calculated at run-time within the client.

snapshot of US powerplant map

US Electric Power Generation

This chloropleth map shows the location and capacity of Coal, Hydro and Wind powered powerplants in the Unites States

This interactive map allows the user to isolate groups of powerplants based on location or type.

snapshot of North East Lex Amenity Map

IN PROGRESS: Transportation to Amenities: Northeast Lexington

This interactive map shows the location of various daily amenities in Northeast Lexington and calculates the travel time between user-determined locations.